Exploring Difference and Alikeness so we can Engage with Authenticity, Compassion, and Honor

“A brave leader is someone who says I see you. I hear you.”
-Brené Brown
We live in a world of ever-expanding changes, differences, cultures, and values. Effective living and leading – at home, at work, and in organizations – compels us to see and respond to these differences with creative possibility and a vision for potential.
Different Like Me® Coaching Journeys are designed to explore the ways we are alike as humans so we can honor the ways we are different with authenticity, compassion and celebration. The Coaching Journey is experienced in a group and consists of three parts; each part can be taken on its own, but is best experienced in sequence.
Click below to find out more about each part of the Coaching Journey:
100% of the people in the world are different than each other. As we gain profound understanding of the ‘how’s and why’s’ of human interaction across differences, we can choose to engage with authenticity and curiosity, building bridges across these differences, creating deeper trust and meaningful connections.
About Cindy Schmelzenbach

“I am passionate about co-creating a space where powerful things happen that simply may not happen anywhere else!”
-Cindy Schmelzenbach
Twenty-eight years of living and leading overseas with my husband in multi-cultural contexts has had a transformational impact on me. Experiencing the wonder of human interaction and the potential of authentic connection across profoundly different cultures has brought me to deeply value the ways we build trust and allow ourselves to be impacted by the people and the world around us. Coaching and leading a well-being initiative among hundreds of inter-cultural team members has instilled in me a passion for building bridges and breaking down walls that divide humanity.
Now, after returning to my country-of-birth, living in a multi-cultural community and multi-generational household, I am more aware than ever of what is at stake for all of us if we can’t figure out how to navigate interaction among people who are different from each other.
Different Like Me® is an invitation to join me on this journey of discovery. I’m coming to believe that leading with conversational and cultural competency isn’t found in being more influential or assertive, nor in learning to be more articulate or skilled in our communication, nor in figuring out the right thing to do or say in an ever-changing society and environment. Instead, I believe the path to meaningful human interaction is marked by deep intentionality, courageous vulnerability, and healthy humility; by an authentic desire to truly see and be expanded by a dynamic world and an amazing humanity around us.
As an ICF MCC coach, Gallup Certified Strengths® Coach, MA in Human Services Counseling, and Conversational Intelligence® Enhanced Practitioner, I am grateful to bring my experience and education, together with yours, to this powerful group learning and coaching adventure.